Nostalgia Fueled Nerds
Nostalgia for something is a curious thing. It can drive us to do things we had never considered before. Like run this '80s obsessed website. But who's behind the curtain keeping this place from falling in on itself?
Photog Smurf
He started his first full-fledged website back in 2012... called RetroDaze (it's still around and still doin' its thing). He also purchased 80sXChange not long after and it just kinda sat around for many years. Now he's taking it in a new direction.

Caps Smurf
Smurfing Articles
Writer extraordinaire. Caps has been covering the '80s and pop culture for a long time. He's conducted numerous celebrity interviews and waxed nostalgic on nearly every facet of pop culture for thousands of readers. You can find more of his work on sites like RetroJunk, RetroDaze, and Pop Geeks.

Smurfing Articles
Old School Smurf
Old School is an '80s-obsessed writer who has conducted numerous celebrity interviews over the past several years, most of which were formerly published at his website known as "Kickin' it Old School". Lately he has been working hard at The Retro Network and Rediscover The 80s.

Candy Corn Smurf
Smurfing Articles
(Candy Corn Apocalypse)
Candy Corn is a busy Smurf. When he isn't teaching other Smurfs the art of writing, he's writing articles, short stories, and full length novels. He's had his work published many times through the years, and you can find out what he's up to now on his website...!